Diadora Stores in Arcene
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1 Stores gefunden
24040, ARCENE, IT
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In 2021 Diadora has achieved the EcoVadis platinum medal, positioned itself amongst 1% sustainability top performers, between 75.000 companies evaluated by EcoVadis in more than 160 countries and 200 industries, and improved its previous performance. This achievement represents the greatest amongst EcoVadis recognitions. EcoVadis is the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, intelligence, and collaborative performance improvement tools for global supply chains.
In 2021 Diadora has achieved the EcoVadis platinum medal, positioned itself amongst 1% sustainability top performers, between 75.000 companies evaluated by EcoVadis in more than 160 countries and 200 industries, and improved its previous performance. This achievement represents the greatest amongst EcoVadis recognitions. EcoVadis is the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, intelligence, and collaborative performance improvement tools for global supply chains.
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