Shoe finder

Let's find your perfect pair!

In less than 2 minutes, the diadora Shoe Finder will help you find the perfect shoe for you.

Shoe finder Shoe finder

Male or female?

Different bodies, different shoes!

Men and women require different support based on stride, foot structure and the biomechanics of the lower leg: diadora designs running shoes based on gender to satisfy these specific needs.
Men and women require different support based on stride, foot structure and the biomechanics of the lower leg: diadora designs running shoes based on gender to satisfy these specific needs. Men and women require different support based on stride, foot structure and the biomechanics of the lower leg: diadora designs running shoes based on gender to satisfy these specific needs.

For Men

Men and women require different support based on stride, foot structure and the biomechanics of the lower leg. diadora designs running shoes based on gender to satisfy these specific needs.
Men and women require different support based on stride, foot structure and the biomechanics of the lower leg. diadora designs running shoes based on gender to satisfy these specific needs. Men and women require different support based on stride, foot structure and the biomechanics of the lower leg. diadora designs running shoes based on gender to satisfy these specific needs.

For Women

Where do you run?

Different terrain, different shoe.

Track & Field



How often do you train each week?

It's not a competition: everyone does sport their own way... Ideally, with the best possible shoes!

Workouts or races?

Different goals, different shoe features.

Working out

label.shoefinder.subtitle.step5.race label.shoefinder.subtitle.step5.race

Quick workout / Race

What's your speed in km?

It's not about being the fastest: a rhythm that you feel comfortable with is essential for finding the right shoe.

What's your speed in km?

It's not about being the fastest: a rhythm that you feel comfortable with is essential for finding the right shoe.

label.shoefinder.searchresult.result label.shoefinder.searchresult.result

Your perfect shoe is... ⌛